anche l'ILO firmò il patto infame con la IAEA
(9 febbraio)Rischi per la salute dei lavoratori derivanti dall'energia nucleare: terminazione o in subordine emendamento dell'accordo tra l'Agenzia Internazionale dell'Energia Atomica e l'Organizzazione Internazionale dei Lavoratori (ILO) [Annesso alla risoluzione del 21 novembre 1958].
Quaranta anni fa, durante il programma "Atomi per la Pace", i gravi rischi per la salute dei lavoratori nell'industria nucleare erano in genere sconosciuti al pubblico. Fu a quel tempo che l'Organizzazione Internazionale dei Lavoratori (ILO) fece un accordo con l'Agenzia Internazionale dell'Energia Atomica (IAEA) che permetteva una notevole autorità da parte della IAEA sugli studi ed i progetti della ILO relativi agli effetti delle radiazioni sulla salute dei lavoratori.
Questo accordo datato ha impedito all'ILO di agire in modo concreto per proteggere la popolazione dei lavoratori dai rischi della tecnologia nucleare.
Da allora alcuni disastri nucleari, inclusi quelli di Sellafield, Three Miles Island e Chernobyl hanno dimostrato sia i rischi per la salute dell'energia nucleare, sia l'inadeguatezza di questo accordo.
Per cui chiediamo all'Organizzazione Internazionale dei Lavoratori (ILO) di richiedere la terminazione di tale accordo, in subordine di emendare l'accordo tra la IAEA e l'ILO, in particolare di:
i) rimuovere l'obbligo secondo il quale ogni programma dell'ILO sugli effetti dell'energia nucleare sulla salute dei lavoratori sia prima discusso con, ed approvato dalla, IAEA;
ii) emendare l'imposizione che prevede il segretamento di informazioni confidenziali sui rischi per la salute dei lavoratori e l'ambiente derivanti dall'energia nucleare.
iii) eliminare l'articolo VII (limitazioni alla pubblicazione di statistiche...).
Richiediamo almeno i precedenti cambiamenti per le seguenti ragioni:
- l'art.1 dell'accordo tra IAEA e ILO del 21 novembre 1958 riconosce che " IAEA ha la responsabilità principale di incoraggiare assistere e coordinare le ricerche su, e lo sviluppo e le applicazioni pratiche dell'energia atomica per usi pacifici nel mondo";
Il diritto dell'ILO di occuparsi di promuovere, sviluppare assistere e coordinare lavori internazionali sulla salute dei lavoratori è gravemente compromesso dall'obbligo di cui all'art.1 (4) che recita:
"Quando una delle due organizzazioni propone di iniziare un programma o attività su un soggetto nel quale l'altra organizzazione ha o può avere interessi sostanziali, la prima parte deve consultare l'altra prima di adottare il programma";
- secondo la costituzione dell'ILO, la piena disponibilità di tutte le informazioni sui rischi per la salute dei lavoratori è cruciale per abilitare l'ILO a portare avanti le sue funzioni. L'art.III (2) dell'accordo tra IAEA e ILO mette gravi limitazioni alla disponibilità di tali informazioni;
La IAEA ha un conflitto di interessi
* queste limitazioni sono più ovvie nel momento in cui la IAEA incoraggiando assistendo e coordinando la ricerca sullo sviluppo e le applicazioni pratiche dell'energia nucleare porta o contribuisce a gravi rischi per la salute dei lavoratori;
L'accordo è datato.
* i rischi per l'ambiente e per la salute dei lavoratori dovuti all'energia nucleare, sono noti e manifesti in misura notevolmente superiore rispetto a quando venne stipulato l'accordo tra IAEA e ILO;
per questi motivi i sottoscritti chiedono all'International Labour Conference (ILC) di terminare o in subordine emendare l'accordo tra IAEA e ILO [Annesso alla risoluzione del 21 novembre 1958].
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International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Agreement between the International Labour Organisation and the International Atomic Energy Agency[This Agreement entered into force on 21 November 1958. The text appeared in the annex which was communicated as a separate document in connection with the Thirteenth Report of the International Labour Organisation to the United Nations. See also ILO: Official Bulletin, Vol. XLI, 1958, No. 8, pp. 559-562, and UN Treaty Series, Vol. 328, pp. 273-282.]
Article I
Co-operation and consultation
1. The International Labour Organisation and the International Atomic Energy Agency agree that with a view to facilitating the effective attainment of the objectives set forth in their respective constitutional instruments, within the general framework established by the Charter of the United Nations, they will act in close co-operation with each other and will consult each other regularly in regard to matters of common interest.
2. The International Labour Organisation recognises the primary responsibility of the International Atomic Energy Agency and in the exchange of letters which accompanied that agreement, to encourage and assist research on and the development and practical application of atomic energy for peaceful purposes throughout the world, as set forth on the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and will co-operate with the Agency in measures initiated by it to secure co-ordination of activities in these fields.
3. The International Atomic Energy Agency recognises the primary responsibility of the International Labour Organisation, as recognised in the agreement between the United Nations and the International Labour Organisation, to further among the nations of the world programmes which will achieve the objectives set forth in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation and will co-operate with the International Labour Organisation in measures initiated by it to secure co-ordination of activities in these fields.
4. The International Labour Organisation and the International Atomic Energy Agency recognise that their activities may, in certain fields, be complementary to each other in a manner which calls for close and continuing co-operation between the two organisations. Therefore, in all cases where either organisation proposes to initiate a programme or activity on a subject in which the other organisation has or nay have a substantial interest, the first party shall consult the other before adopting the programme or initiating the activity.
Article II
Reciprocal representation
1. Representatives of the International Labour Organisation shall be invited to attend the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency and to participate without vote in the deliberation on that body and where appropriate of its committees with respect to items on their agenda in which the International Labour Organisation has an interest.
2. Representatives of the International Atomic Energy Agency shall be invited to attend the International Labour Conference and to participate without vote in the deliberation on that body and where appropriate of its committees with respect to items on their agenda in which the International Atomic Energy Agency has an interest.
3. Representatives of the International Labour Organisation shall be invited, as appropriate, to attend meetings of the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency and to participate without vote in the deliberations of that body and of its commissions and committees with respect to items on their agenda in which the International Labour Organisation has an interest.
4. Representatives of the International Atomic Energy Agency shall be invited, as appropriate, to attend meetings of the Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation and to participate without vote in the deliberations of that body and where appropriate of its committees with respect to items on their agenda in which the International Atomic Energy Agency has an interest.
5. Appropriate arrangements shall be made by agreement from time to time for the reciprocal representation of the International Labour Prganisation and the International Atomic Energy Agency at other meetings convened under their respective auspices which consider matters in which the other organisation has an interest.
Article III
Exchange of information and documents
1. Subject to such arrangements as may be necessary for the safeguarding of confidential material, the International Labour Office and the Secretariat of the International Atomic Energy Agency shall keep each other fully informed concerning all projected activities and all programmes of work which may be of interest to the other party.
2. The International Labour Organisation and the International Atomic Energy Agency recognise that they may find it necessary to apply certain limitations for the safeguarding of confidential information furnished to them. They therefore agree that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as requiring either of them to furnish such information as would, in the judgment of the party possessing the information, constitute a violation of the confidence of any of its Member States or of anyone from whom it has received such information or otherwise interfere with the orderly conduct of its operations.
3. The Director-General of the International Labour Office and the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency or their representatives shall, at the request of either party, arrange for consultations regarding the provision by either party of such special information as may be of interest to the other party.
Article IV
Proposal of agenda items
After such preliminary consultations as may be necessary, the International Labour Organisation shall include on the agenda of
its Governing Body items proposed to it by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Similarly, the International Atomic Energy
Agency shall include on the provisional agenda of its Board of Governors items proposed by the International Labour
Organisation. Items submitted by either party for consideration by the other shall be accompanied by an explanatory
Article V
Co-operation between secretariats
The International Labour Office and the Secretariat of the International Atomic Energy Agency shall maintain a close working relationship in accordance with such arrangements as may have been agreed upon from time to time by the Directors-General of the International Labour Office and of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Article VI
Administrative and technical co-operation
The International Labour Office and the International Atomic Energy Agency agree to consult each other from time to time regarding the most efficient use of personnel and resources and appropriate methods of avoiding the establishment and operation of competitive or overlapping facilities and services.
Article VII
Statistical services
In view of the desirability of maximum co-operation in the statistical field and of minimising the burdens placed on national governments and other organisations from which information may be collected, the International Labour Office and the International Atomic Energy Agency undertake to avoid undesirable duplication between them with respect to the collection, compilation and publication of statistics and to consult with each other on the most efficient use of information, resources and
technical personnel in the field of statistics.
Article VIII
Personnel arrangements
The International Labour Organisation and the International Atomic Energy Agency agree that the measures to be taken by them, within the framework of any general arrangements for co-operation in regard to personnel matters which are made by the United Nations, will include:
(a) measures to avoid competition in the recruitment of their personnel; and
(b) measures to facilitate interchange of personnel on a temporary or permanent basis, in appropriate cases, in order to obtain the maximum benefit from their services, making due provision for the protection of the seniority, pension and other rights of the personnel concerned.
Article IX
Financing of special services
If compliance with a request for assistance made by either organisation to the other would involve substantial expenditure for the organisation complying with the request, consultation shall take place with a view to determining the most equitable manner of
meeting such expenditure.
Article X
Implementation of the Agreement
The Director-General of the International Labour Office and the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency may enter into such arrangements for the implementation of this Agreement as may be found desirable in the light of the operating experience of the two organisations.
Article XI
Notification to the United Nations and filing and recording
1. In accordance with their respective agreements with the United Nations, the International Labour Organisation and the International Atomic Energy Agency will inform the United Nations forthwith of the terms of the present Agreement.
2. On the coming into force of the present Agreement in accordance with the provision of Article XIII, it will be communicated to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for filing and recording.
Article XII
Revision of the Agreement
This Agreement shall be subject to revision by agreement between the International Labour Organisation and the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Article XIII
Entry into force
This Agreement shall come into force on its approval by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office and the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
This Agreement was approved by the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency on 1 October 1958 and by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on 21 November 1958 and thus, in accordance with the terms of Article XIII, entered into force on 21 November 1958.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Director-General of the International Labour Office and the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency have affixed their signature to two authentic texts of the Agreement, the texts in English and French being equally authoritative.
8 May 1959
David A. MORSE
For the International Labour Organisation
Sterling COLE
For the International Atomic Energy Agency
Nota: ancora peggio di quello dell'OMS, non è prevista la rescissione unilaterale! [Art. XII]