Introduction from Dr. Leo Rebello's popular book
HIV/AIDS is like any other disease. More people die in road accidents, due to malnutrition, substance abuse, with cancers, diabetes, infective hepatitis, malaria, tuberculosis, etc. And yet, look at some examples of AIDS Scare :
- They label a patient HIV + and throw up the hands saying there is no known cure.
- They come up with disproportionately blown up statistics and create a false alarm.
- They use highly inaccurate tests for diagnosis of "HIV Infection".
- They announce/market hurriedly and/or inadequately tested deleterious drugs, without bothering about future consequences.
- They attack/defame those who say that HIV does not cause AIDS.
- They threaten those who oppose carcinogenic AZT being prescribed freely.
- They create an illusion of bringing out "Aids Vaccine" forgetting the fact that Cancer vaccine, in spite of half-a-century research and billion of dollars down the drain, has not been possible.
- They claim they are scientists, but refuse to test veggie vaccines or homoeopathic vaccines, which do not pollute the blood stream.
- They distribute condoms indiscriminately along with untested background material, creating sexual promiscuity and exponential rise in HIV/AIDS.
- They circulate pseudo-knowledge, so-called scientific evidence : cry wolf, cry Eureka alternately. And create more confusion on HIV/AIDS.
- They suggest separate wards for AIDS patients and enact inhuman laws (like HIV+ cannot marry or bear children) based on ignorance and false premise.
- They neglect other diseases/deaths because of ‘jaundiced vision’ of HIV/AIDS. And to keep the myth going they circulate high sounding scientific hogwash.
- They neglect time-tested traditional/natural/herbal medicines and look askance when qualified "Holistic Healers" present their scientific evidence or appeal for funds.
- They know that they lie, they know they are wearing sunglasses, they know that their time is out.
- But in the process, they have thrown our planning, priorities, policies out of gear by creating panic " all for a single point agenda, namely, profits.
Aids is a false alarm. Let us not panic. It is not a dread disease as is made out to be. Ayurveda, Nature Cure, Homoeopathy and other alternative therapies hold tremendous promise in AIDS as also in so-called incurable diseases. Therefore, it is time to halt the wasteful expenditure in dead-end biomedical research and divert those funds to holistic healing modalities. Even if twenty-five per cent of the total outlay made towards biomedical research is given to alternative systems of medicine, the health graph of the world will show marked improvement.
"From Aids Scare to Aids Care", "Aids No More", "Health Care is Self Care" and "Health, Peace and Plenty for All" should be the slogans of the New Millennium.
(c) Dr. Leo Rebello