Cancer - How not to get it, and what to do if you have it

by Phillip Day

Disease Profile

Cancer can be described as a healing process that has not terminated upon completion of its task. Damage occurs to the body via a number of modalities (e.g. physical blows, viruses, bacteria proliferation, toxins, hormonal imbalances), the body attempts to heal the damage. If this healing process does not terminate properly due to malnutrition and certain other causations, the end result will be an ongoing proliferation of healing, trophoblastic material's - a tumour.

Prevention Strategies

a) Remove all toxins and damage triggers from your environment and lifestyle

b) Detoxify your body

c) Alkalise your body

d) Ensure the vast majority of your food is organic, high fibre and eaten raw

e) Small meals, consumed often

f) Reduce meat and dairy intake, if not eliminate

g) Cut out ingestion of sucrose

h) Balance any hormonal irregularities & cut out unfermented soy products

i) Drink 4 pints/2 litres of clean, fresh water each day

j) Nutritional supplementation, including minerals, vitamins, including C complex, B-groups, including Vitamin B17

k) Avoid radiation scans and intrusive 'diagnostic' testing

l) Be happy

Combating Cancer & B17 Metabolic Therapy

a) Seek a qualified health practitioner who uses the nutritional approach to cancer

b) Remove all toxins and damage triggers from your environment and lifestyle

c) Detoxify your body, especially digestive tract and colon

d) Implement anti-candida strategies and special diet

e) Exercise steadily but regularly to assist in detoxification and the absorption of oxygen

f) Alkalise your body system. Cancer thrives on the lack of oxygen. Alkali solutions attract large amounts of oxygen

g) The main part of your diet will be fresh, organic vegetables, pulses, legumes, nuts and seeds eaten raw

h) Small meals, consumed often

i) Eliminate ALL processed foods, meats, dairy, sugar, grains, etc, etc.

j) Absolutely cut out sucrose and high-glycaemic carbohydrate foods

k) Balance any hormonal irregularities & cut out unfermented soy products

l) Drink 4 pints/2 litres of clean, fresh water each day

m) Nutritional supplementation and cellular regeneration materials, including minerals, vitamins, including high-dose C complex, B-groups, (esp. Vitamin B17), Vitamins A & E emulsion and enzyme supplementation

n) Avoid radiation scans and intrusive 'diagnostic' testing

o) Absolutely avoid conventional radiation, chemotherapy and other toxic treatments

p) Consider surgery only if tumours are life-threatening

q) Find out as much as you can about cancer. Confront it, don't hide from it

r) Never give up

Action plan

To learn more about the death of cancer as outlined above, read the full story.

Cancer: Why We're Still Dying to Know the Truth

Great News on Cancer in the 21st Century

B17 Metabolic Therapy & a Technical Manual

Food for Thought

For full details on these titles and secure online global store, click on