Orthomolecular medicine the art of healthcare of the 21st century
By Claus Hancke, general practitioner
Orthomolecular medicine is aiming to recreate an ecological environment on a cellular level that ensures optimal functioning of the cell securing production of energy and the combatting of disease.
A few years ago, at Odense University Hospital (in Denmark), statistics were released saying that chemotherapy only helps an insignificant number of people, and that many of the cancer patients operated for their cancer, live only half as long as those not operated, measured from the day surgery is chosen/not chosen.
Any therapist working with orthomolecular medicine, will say: Sure. We suspected this all along.
But now Odense University put forth numbers. An act of courage that one must appreciate.
Without any grand revolution, acknowledging and publishing these numbers we have taken a giant leap forward in the treatment of cancer. Not recognizing the failure of previous methods, it will be impossible to introduce or even initiate experiments using orthomolecular methods.
But what is this orthomolecular principle about?
Orthomolecular medicine is ecological medicine; primarily natural substances are used for the treatment and prevention of disease.
It can be a supply of beneficial substances like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, essential fatty acids and hormones, or it can be the removal of harmful substances like it is done through the use of EDTA or DMSA treatment for instance.
The goal is on a cellular level to recreate an ecological environment that ensures optimal functioning of the cell securing production of energy and the combatting of disease.
It is characteristic for the orthomolecular principles of treatment, that it strictly observe the first commandment of the Hippocratic oath: Primum non nocere (First of all: do no harm)
Treatment risks are always considerably lower than the risk of using conventional treatment of the same disease, and the orthomolecular treatments are often much more effective, especially in the long run. The aim is to remove the cause of the disease contrary to most traditional treatments that exclusively cure the symptoms of the disease.
In the 21st century, surgical treatment of life style diseases like cancer and arteriosclerosis will be hopelessly obsolete. The plumber technique will be replaced by biological, orthomolecular methods that will recreate a beneficial cellular environment in our organs.
To a wide extent, the human body is an organism capable of repairing itself. Orthomolecular medicine should be developed so that we will gradually learn to press the right buttons. Learn to give exactly those nutrients that will make the cells capable of identifying and fighting disease.
Future demands for treatment of disease will be: harmlessness, high safety level, high efficiency, low cost, easy access and thereby a possibility for everybody.
Unfortunately, there is now a widespread desire in the healthcare system to seek the most technologically advanced solutions to every problem. But it is not the patients who want these operations.
The orthomolecular treatment principles are bio chemically complicated, but extremely simple technologically, and they will be a gain to any health politician.
In the future, it will be the principal duty of the medical profession to communicate new knowledge to the public in a way so that as many people as possible will avoid ever becoming patients.
The first step on the way in this assignment is to share the orthomolecular treatment principles with physicians and especially general practitioners. This will provide the patients a real choice.
A choice between a potent drug with more or less permanent side effects, violent, invasive procedures, where we (all things considered) have no clue, what happens to the cells in the body operated on, or instead a focused orthomolecular treatment with the long term goal of making the body capable of healing itself.
The patients choice is easy.
- June 2000 -
Dr. Claus Hancke is a general practitioner at the Institute of Orthomolecular Medicine
Lyngby Hovedgade 37, DK 2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Tel.: +45 4588 0900 / Fax: 4588 0947 / E-mail: ch@iom.dk