First International Conference on METALS AND THE BRAIN: From Neurochemistry
to Neurodegeneration (University of Padova, Italy: 20-23 September 2000)
Aluminum is an environmentally abundant element to which we are all exposed. The neurotoxicity of this metal has been known for more than a century. More recently, it has been implicated as an etiological factor in some pathologies (including encephalopathy, bone disease, anemia) related to dialysis treatment . In addition, it has been hypothesized to be a cofactor in the etiopathogenesis of some neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), although, despite many studies in several laboratories in different countries, direct evidence is still, so far controversial. Thus, examples of aluminum neurotoxicity are well recognized-in experimental animals and in individuals with renal failure (consequent upon aging, intoxication or renal disease) - and there are grounds to link neurodegenerative disorders to aluminum exposure. Furthermore, an increased concentration of Al in infant formulas and in solutions for home parenteral nutrition has been associated with neurological consequences and metabolic bone disease, characterized by low-bone formation rate, respectively.
For all these reasons and on the basis of our many years of scientific experience in this field, we propose the following recommendations as guidelines to avoid risks due to aluminum accumulation and potential intoxication. These recommendations are not rigid and will be updated when relevant new scientific data is available.
CONTRIBUTORS (Provisional list)
* P. Zatta, CNR Center on Metalloproteins. University of Padova, Italy. Coordinator of the Project: Interdisciplinary Approach to The Study of Aluminum Toxicity. E.C.COST D8 "Metals in Medicine".
* C. Canavese, (On the behalf of the Italian Nephrological Society) Le Molinette Hospital, Torino, Italy.
* S. Costantini, Istituto Superiore di Sanit&Mac195;, Roma, Italy.
* M. Gallieni, Dept. of Nephrology, San Paolo Hospital, University of Milano, Italy.
* M. Andriani, +Chief Nephrologist, Dolo General Hospital, Venice, Italy (On the behalf of the SIN-Italian Nephrological Society).
* G. Berthon, CNRS FR1744, Università Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France.
* D. Boggio - Bertinet, on the behalf of the Italian Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
* J. Domingo, Faculty of Medicine, Rovira I Virgili University, Reus, Spain.
* T. Flaten, Dept. of Chemistry, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.
* M. Golub, Dept. Internal medicine. University of California, Davis, USA.
* N. Goto, Laboratory of General Toxicology, Dept. Safety Research on Biologics, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan.
* M. Kawahara, Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience, Tokyo, Japan.
* T. Kiss, Dept. of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Szeged, Hungary.
* W. Lukiw, LSU Neuroscience Center, New Orleans, LA, USA.
* W. Markesbery, University of Kentucky Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, Lexington, KY, USA.
* R. Milacic, Josef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
C. Ronco, Director of the Renal Research Laboratory, Beth Israel Med. Ctr, New York, NY, USA.
* H.H. Sandstead, University of Texas, Med. Branch, Galveston, TX, USA.
* A. Taylor, Center for Clinical Sciences and Measurement, School of Biological Sciences, University of Surrey, Guilford, U.K.
This document will be published in relevant scientific journals, and will be sent to all Health Ministers of the European Community as well as to other Public Health Authorities. (FDA, WHO etc.). For further information, please contact Prof. P. Zatta:
Padova 20-23 September 2000
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For more information on Alzheimer's Disease (AD) see:
* Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR)
* Alzheimer's Association