
Below you find the translation of article 3 of the statutes of La Leva, which details the objectives of the association, and article 15 of the by-laws, which introduces the possibility of opening local chapters.

Article 3 - Objectives

a) To alert the public by means of publications of all kind, campaigns, public demonstrations, educational courses, and any other appropriate means, about the rights of consumers to free choice, especially but not limited to options of choice about health and nutrition, cure and prevention of illness, as well as the development of our personality and our relation with the objects used in our day to day life, with the environment in it's most embracive meaning, and with nature in it's entirety and integrity, which transcends the classical division into the three kingdoms animal, vegetable and mineral;
b) To promote study, research and education in the fields of health, nutrition and in medicine in the sense of prevention and cure with non-invasive and non-violent means; which would be compatible with the physiology of the human body, respecting it's integrity in life and after death, and respecting the laws of nature, which human instinct brings to our attention and requires to safeguard;
c) To actively protect the right of individual consumers to exercise their choices in maximum freedom and to intervene, even with legal actions, in favour of individuals and the general public, in cases where these choices are improperly limited by prohibitionism or protectionist practices, and to demand in such cases that consumers are consulted in advance, through the associations that represent them.

Article 15 - Local Chapters

In order to assure a more efficient activity of the association, it is desirable that in various locations of the national territory, but also and especially in other parts of the world be established local chapters, also because many of the most important studies about matters concerning the activity of this association are actually done in foreign countries.

A local chapter may be organised by a group of ordinary members who reside in an area different from Rome, after a specific request has been approved by the Board of Directors. The activities of a local chapter are to be strictly co-ordinated with the Board of Directors, which may intervene as necessary to ensure it's directives are adhered to.