BASF, Bayer, Hoechst: This circle of profit is not conspiracy theory, but an easily provable fact.
Posted on Thursday, May 16 on Friends of freedom
By Ashley Simmons Hotz
May 15, 2002 - The huge transnational companies that produce toxic chemicals found in pesticides, herbicides and industrial and household products profit not only from the sale of these products, but also from the symptoms and chronic illnesses that they can trigger.
The vast majority of chemicals found in pesticides and other products, undergo little or no testing for chronic, low level exposures and for chronic health effects.
The same chemical companies that produce toxic chemicals also produce prescription drugs, veterinary medicines, a wide array of medical products and imaging technologies, hold cancer treatment and medical device patents, and a produce a staggering assortment of over-the-counter palliatives.
Families with toxin induced illnesses often spend large sums for drugs and medical treatment.
This circle of profit is not conspiracy theory, but an easily provable fact.
Below are chem/pharm web sites for the largest companies in the world. There you can see quickly and clearly that these companies profit from all sides of the picture.
Aventis was launched in December 1999 through the merger of Hoechst AG of Germany and Rhône-Poulenc SA of France. Main Home Page for Aventis--go to top right and click on "Aventis Worldwide" to see medical, agrochemical and pharmaceutical categories of business.,1003,EN-XX-100---,FF.html
Aventis Pharma is the pharmaceutical division:,1003,EN-XX-24770-37160--,FF.html
Monsanto is owned by Pharmacia. The Pharmacia Corporation was created through the merger of Pharmacia Upjohn with Monsanto Company and its G.D. Searle unit. Pharmacia employs 59,000 people worldwide and has research, manufacturing and administrative sales operations in more than 60 countries.
BASF-fungicides, herbicides, pesticides:
BASF - pharmaceuticals:
Merck is known widely as a pharmaceutical company
Merck Research Company; Applications to Register Pesticide:
Merck produces chemicals and precursors for pesticides and other neurotoxins.
Merck Chemicals for Industrial Applications - Search in their databases:
"Our broad range of Chemicals for Industrial Applications is widely used in many fields of production within the chemical and technical industries."
Dow Chemical produces both toxic chemicals and pharmaceuticals. (Click on the drop-down list here):
Dow Pharmaceuticals:
Dow's pesticide products include the organophosphate pesticide Dursban (a/k/a Chlorpyrifos/a/k/a RAID a/k/a Lorsban and is found in about 800 other pesticide products). Dursban was to be phased out and banned from indoor, yard and garden use last year because of what it does to the developing brain.
EPA was going to allow Dursban to "continue to be sold until current stocks run out" but Dow has been scrambling to get this delayed, and has been conducting short term clinical trials by feeding Dursban pills to healthy teenagers in an attempt to get it back on the market:
Dupont Chemical recently sold a pharmaceutical division to Bristol Myers Squibb. Dupont makes pesticides and drugs:
Here is a list of other chemicals and neurotoxins that they produce:
Do you take Bayer aspirin?
Did you know that Bayer also makes other drugs, pesticides, chemicals? When you get to the Bayer site from the following URL, go to the "application" search engine and scroll down to pesticides. At the first URL here, go to the right side and click on the drop-down list to see the spectrum of products -- for industrial chemicals and "crop protection" products, to pharmaceuticals.
Bayer pharmaceuticals:
It is interesting to note that the Bayer corporation was originally the I.G. Farben Company with deep ties to the Nazis during the 1920s and 30s. I.G. Farben produced Zyklon-B gas which was used in the Nazi death camps.
Other big chem/pharm manufacturers became owners of pieces of I.G. Farben during the lengthy process of dissolving its assets after decades of lawsuits and pressures from international organizations for alleged I.G.Farben Nazi crimes. Here is a quote from the BBC:
"Most of the company's assets were confiscated after World War II and were transferred to four big German corporations: Bayer, Hoechst, Agfa and BASF."
See BBC article:
Many of these huge transnationals have merged with each other. For example, CibaGeigy, Sandoz and other multinational chemical/pharmaceutical companies merged to become Novartis. Then Novartis Agribusiness merged with Zeneca (Astra-Zeneca) Agrochemicals to form Syngenta:
Standard and Poor's Stock Exchange profile on Novartis:
Novartis pharmaceuticals, seeds, genetic engineering:
Novartis owns Syngenta -- produces pesticides, herbicides, etc:
Novartis AG -- incredible list of products, relationships and subsidiaries:
Then there is Astra Zeneca that sold off part of its agrochemical business to Novartis. AstraZeneca. For some listings of its pharmaceuticals:
AMVAC makes the insecticide NALED a/k/a DIBROM, and nineteen other products. AMVAC Chemical Company is owned by American Vanguard Corporation, which makes herbicides, pesticides. A major portion of its revenues comes from selling its specialty chemicals to the pharmaceutical industry. It is also in the business of "environmental remediation" and "toxic waste management." (Like other chem/pharm companies, American Vanguard profits from pollution that they help make, and then get paid to clean up).
AMVAC's brother subsidiaries include, GemChem, Inc. and Environmental Mediation, Inc.
AMVAC's brother GemChem: "... committed to exceeding industry standards as a national chemical distributor. In addition to representing AMVAC as its domestic sales force, GemChem also sells into the cosmetic, nutritional and pharmaceutical markets."
AMVAC's brother Environmental Mediation, Inc. provides clients with: "complex investigative and remedial activities. With... core expertise in the areas of hazardous waste, air toxics, and water quality..."
Environmental Mediation, Inc. offers its clients expertise in:
Issue Analysis
Strategic Planning
Government Relations
Regulatory Strategy
Environmental Consulting
Public Affairs
American Home Products pharmaceuticals and veterinary medicines has subsidiaries galore, including American Cyanimid among others. American Cyanimid produced many chemical products including pesticides and pharmaceutical chemicals.
AHP later changed its name to WYETH, a major holding company:
American Home Products was gobbled up by the chem/pharm giat BASF:
See paragraph nine:
And this just shows the cycle of profit in all of its glory when you see the Chemical Business Research website --
Click on: "Code "C4": Cancer Opportunities in the New Millennium"
Did you know that thousands of toxic chemicals are impregnated into products that we come in intimate contact with every day that have woefully inadequate testing? Synthetic chemicals are found in clothing, furniture, bedding, paper, food storage containers, building materials, pillow feathers, pillow covers, inks, mattresses, food, cosmetics, carbonless paper, fragrances, and tampons. A wide variety of fat soluable pesticides are even impregnated into animal feed (fat soluable means it stores in fat). One of the reasons this is done is to cut down on flies in the barnyard. The fecal matter becomes so toxic that it ends up killing the flies! So the questions is -- does the animal fat cause us to get dosed with low levels of this stuff? See EPA web site:
Most of the public is completely unaware of how pervasive toxic chemicals are in our homes and offices. If it were just one or two of the chemicals--the effects might be tolerable. But that is not the case at all because the relentless cumulative and synergistic effects of these chemicals is causing great harm to human, animal and environmental health.
When we, our children and our animals suffer symptoms or become ill, have trouble with our reproductive systems -- we spend many thousands of dollars on medical imaging, tests, treatments, operations, hospitals and drugs... a circle of profit that has no equal in the corporate world. Again this year - the chemical/pharmaceutical industry was declared the most profitable industry in the world.
What a business plan!