Complaint Against Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity Committed in Connection With The Pharmaceutical 'Business With Disease' And The Recent War Against Iraq

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Criminal Charges

The charges in this complaint relate to crimes in two main fields:
Crimes perpetrated by the pharmaceutical “business with disease” including the crime of genocide and other crimes against humanity.
Crimes related to the 2003 war against Iraq and the international escalation towards a world war including crimes of war and aggression as well as other crimes against humanity.

These two fields of crime are directly connected because they are committed in the name and interest of the same corporate investment groups and their political stakeholders. The accused are charged with the most serious crimes committed against all mankind and are therefore subject to the principle of international prosecution.

  1. Crimes Committed In Connection With The Pharmaceutical 'Business With Disease'

    1. The Crime of Genocide

      The accused are guilty of the crime of genocide for which they are liable to prosecution under Article 6 of the ICC Statute. This includes but is not limited to the following specific crimes:

      1. Genocide by Killing (Article 6a)

      2. Genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm (Article 6b)

      3. Genocide by deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about physical destruction (Article 6c)

    2. Crimes Against Humanity

      The accused are guilty of the crime of genocide for which they are liable to prosecution under Article 7 of the ICC Statute. This includes but is not limited to the following specific crimes:

      1. Crime Against Humanity of Murder (Article 7a)

      2. Crime Against Humanity of Extermination (Article 7b)

      3. Crime Against Humanity of Enslavement (Article 7c)

      4. Crime Against Humanity of Severe Deprivation
        of Physical Liberty (Article 7e)

      5. Crime Against Humanity of Other Inhumane Acts (Article 7k)

    Summary Of The Substantiation Of The Charges In Relation To The Crimes Connected With The Pharmaceutical ‘Business With Disease’ (Charges 1.1. - 1.2.)

    1. The accused willfully and systematically maintain cardiovascular diseases, including high blood pressure, heart failure, diabetic complications and other diseases, cancer, infectious diseases including AIDS, osteoporosis and many other of today’s most common diseases that are recognized to be largely preventable by natural means. The accused have deliberately caused the unnecessary suffering and premature death of hundreds of millions of people.
    2. The accused systematically and deliberately prevent the eradication of cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases by obstructing and blocking the dissemination of life-saving information on the health benefits of natural non-patentable therapies. Thereby, the accused have deliberately caused further unnecessary suffering and the premature death of hundreds of millions of people.
    3. The accused deliberately and systematically expand existing diseases and creating new diseases by manufacturing and marketing pharmaceutical drugs with short-term symptomatic relief but with known and detrimental long-term side-effects. Thereby the accused have deliberately caused further unnecessary suffering and premature death of hundreds of millions of people.

    Details are provided in the evidence section.

  2. Specific Crimes Committed In Connection With The War Against Iraq And The Current International Crisis

    1. The Crime of Genocide

      The accused are guilty of the crime of genocide for which they are liable to prosecution under Article 6 of the ICC Statute. Under the terms of this statute genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. This includes but is not limited to the following specific criminal charges:

      1. Genocide by killing (Article 6a)

      2. Genocide by causing serious physical or mental harm (Article 6b)

      3. Genocide by deliberately inflicting living conditions calculated to bring about physical destruction (Article 6c)

    2. Crimes Against Humanity

      Under the terms of Article 7 of the Rome Statute, crimes against humanity mean any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack. This includes but is not limited to the following specific criminal charges:

      1. Crimes against humanity of murder (Article 7a)

      2. Crimes against humanity of extermination (Article 7b)

      3. Crimes against humanity of enslavement (Article 7c)

      4. Crimes against humanity of deportation or forcible transfer of population (Article 7d)

      5. Crimes against humanity of imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty (Article 7e)

      6. Crimes against humanity of other inhumane acts of a similar nature intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to the body or to mental or physical health. (Article 7k)

    3. War Crimes

      Under the terms of Article 8 of the Rome Statute, war crimes mean grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 12th August 1949 (Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War, Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Times of War). War crimes under the terms of the Statute therefore include but are not limited to:

      1. War crime of wilful killing (Article 8(2)(a)(i))

      2. War crime of torture (Article 8(2)(a)(ii)-1)

      3. War crime of inhuman treatment (Article 8(2)(a)(ii)-2)

      4. War crime of including biological experiments (Article 8(2)(a)(ii)-3)

      5. War crime of wilfully causing great suffering (Article 8(2)(a)(iii))

      6. War crime of destruction and appropriation of property (Article 8(2)(a)(iv))

      7. War crime of denying a fair trial (Article 8(2)(a)(vi))

      8. War crime of unlawful deportation and transfer (Article 8(2)(a)(vii)-1)

      9. War crime of unlawful confinement (Article 8(2)(a)(vii)-2)

      10. War crime of taking hostages (Article 8(2)(a)(viii))

      11. War crime of attacking civilians (Article 8(2)(b)(i))

      12. War crime of attacking civilian objects (Article 8(2)(b)(ii))

      13. War crime of excessive incidental death, injury or damage (Article 8(2)(b)(iv))

      14. War crime of attacking of undefended places (Article 8(2)(b)(v))

      15. War crime of killing or wounding a person outside combat (Article 8(2)(b)(vi))

      16. War crime of mutilation (Article 8(2)(b)(x)-1)

      17. War crime of destroying or seizing the enemy’s property (Article 8(2)(b)(xiii))

      18. War crime of depriving the nationals of hostile power of rights (Article 8(2)(b)(xiiv))

      19. War crime of employing poison or poisoned weapons (Article 8(2)(b)(xvii))

      20. War crime of employing prohibited bullets (Article 8(2)(b)(xix))

      21. War crime of outrages upon personal dignity (Article 8(2)(b)(xxi))

      22. War crime of starvation as a method of warfare (Article 8(2)(b)(xxv))

      23. War crime of murder (Article 8(2)(c)(i)-1)

      24. War crime of cruel treatment (Article 8(2)(c)(i)-3)

      Summary Of The Substantiation Of The Charges In Relation To The Crimes Connected To The War Of Aggression Against Iraq And The Current International Crisis (Charges 2.1.1 - 2.3.24)
      The accused deliberately started a war of aggression against Iraq without any mandate by international law.
      The accused deliberately escalate an international crisis situation including psychological warfare and actual military warfare. The goal of this escalation strategy is to create a global emergency state that allows the abandonment of civil rights on global scale – including establishment of far reaching protectionist laws. The war of aggression against Iraq on the false pretence of a global fight against “terrorism” and the crusade proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is part of this strategy.
      The accused deliberately committed the crimes of genocide, murder, mutilation and other serious bodily and mental harm during their war of aggression against the people of Iraq.
      The accused deliberately committed the crime of destroying and seizing public and private property during and after the war of aggression. Iraq has the second largest oil resources in the world and these resources are being plundered on behalf of the accused for private gain.

    Details are documented in the section “ Evidence ”

    Next: Historic Precedent For This Complaint