Concrete Rainforest - Article found in "New Energy News"
The Importance of Water: In times where pollution is a global issue, the quality and safety of today's water is definitely questionable. Water authorities claim that it is perfectly safe while scientific findings argue the opposite. Who do we believe?... What is the truth?... Is our health in jeopardy and if so, what are the solutions?...
Water resources being "privatised" (put onder the control of the multinational corporations)

- The Shell Oil Company recently issued a warning after three incidents in which mobile phones (cell phones) ignited fumes during fueling operations.
- FREIBURGER APPEAL - Doctors are speaking out and appealing for new regulations to halt the devastating biological and health consequences of exposure to pulsing high-frequency electromagnetic radiation - as in mobile cell phones, microwaves, and numerous other sources.
- Cell phones - Experts investigating biological effects of cell phone radiation
asked to shut up or quit jobs
- Electromagnetic pollution - an article about the work of the Cellular Phone Task Force and it's expose of health effects of mobile phone base-stations, as evidenced by official death statistics.
- Portugal antennas - a site about an ongoing battle with TMN, a supplier of mobile phone services in Portugal. They are invading the last remaining "free spaces" with ugly and dangerous repeater antennas. The site is in portuguese language, but there are some pictures of the place and some interesting leads to further information in the "links" section.

- Carl Cella's water car
Is it true what Beppe Grillo (famous Italian Comedian) said, that you can run your car on water and cut pollution to zero? We found a description of someone who apparently converted several cars to run on water. Carl Cella's water car
- The Revolutionary Aircar Mobilizes The World
Wouldn't you love it you never had to buy gas again? Imagine a car that runs on nothing but air. You'd still have personal, fast, comfortable transportation. With no exhaust emissions and at considerably lower cost than even with a 3-liter car.
Aircar - soon to be a reality! Guy Nègre has made the impossible come true. For more information write to:
- "Green" gasoline
Gasoline with lead was banned and replaced by socalled "Green gasoline". In reality this gasoline is not so green at all. It contains a high percentage of benzene, a cancer - causing poisonous substance which has been linked to leukemia that has recently surfaced as a major pollutant in our cities. "Green gasoline" is designed to be used with motors that have a catalytic converter, which in turn emits cancer causing plantium in aerosol form (minute particles suspended in air) into the environment.
- Which fuels?
Protests against price rises of gasoline and diesel fuel make us pose the question: how come existing alternatives are not used? Alternative energy technologies do exist but development of these has not been encouraged. Meanwhile, the oil companies are raking in record profits.
- Catalytic converter
The catalytic converter is a great scam and we are all being led by the nose. It does not function if used on short hauls (most of the traffic in the cities is "short haul") and it puts platinum right into the air in an easily absorbed (and very toxic) aerosol form. It also serves to take our attention off the real alternatives to fossil fuels, which find barriers to their introduction rather than favourable treatment and encouragement.

Official propaganda tells us almost daily about the incredible numbers of deaths ostensibly caused by smoking, and they even invented "passive smoking" as a cause of disease and death. Why not have a look at the other side of the argument. There are some studies and court decisions about the smoke screen, which is designed to divert attention from all kinds of officially sanctioned pollution (both electromagnetic and chemical) and blame smoking for the damage.