Kosttilskud har vist sig at være overordentlig sikre. Alligevel foregår der internationalt en forøget indsats for at begrænse doseringer og typer af ingredienser, både i Europa (Det Europæiske Råd, Den Europæiske Kommission, Europa Parlamentet) og internationalt via Codex Alimentarius.

Baggrunden for disse lovmæssige begrænsninger er international handel.

Lobbyister indenfor medicinalbranchen arbejder hårdt for at begrænse kosttilskuds effektivitet og spillerum, temmelig sikkert fordi sunde mennesker ikke køber lige så meget medicin som syge mennesker. Statslige ernæringseksperter gør ikke meget ud af sundhed. Generelt ved de ikke meget om den potentielle forebyggelsesværdi af naturlige kosttilskud bestående af næringsstoffer i større doser.

Forbrugeres og alternative behandleres behov bliver ikke taget med i betragtning, når der lovgives.

Derfor har vi udfærdiget en protest, som vi beder dig underskrive, hvor du/vi forlanger at lovgivere tager forbrugeres valgfrihed med i betragtning.

Hvem er vi? La Leva er en organisation af forbrugere, som ønsker frihed til at vælge.

Hvorfor er forbrugeraktioner så vigtige? Læs venligst denne artikel, hvis du ønsker mere baggrundsinformation.

Hvordan ser statistikkerne ud for sikkerhed i f.h.t. kosttilskud? Læs Ron Laws artikel, hvor han sammenligner sikkerheden ved kosttilskud med konventionelle lægemidler i f.h.t. statistikker om dødsfald.

Hvad beder vi om, og hvorfor? Læs venligst protestens fulde tekst!

The petition is now finalized - more than 47.000 signatures collected!

During its lifetime of three years, the petition has collected more than 47 thousand signatures.

At various stages during the process, politicians debating the European Food Supplements Directive and national delegates to the Codex Alimentarius Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses were informed of its existence and the number of signatures collected.

Unfortunately, both the European Supplements Directive and the Codex Alimentarius Vitamin and Mineral Guidelines were approved - despite your and our efforts to prevent this from happening. There is some good news as well: Both of these pieces of international legislation were heavily contested. Your signature and campaigns by others contributed to this. Consequently, neither the EU directive nor the Codex guidelines spell out detailed limits for supplements.

The battleground has therefore shifted to a new area: Those details that were left out and how the 'blanks' are going to be filled in.

On the European Food Supplements Directive, there are ongoing scientific discussions about limitations of dosage and allowed ingredients for supplements. The leading force in these discussions is the Alliance For Natural Health. Please support the Alliance in this work, in any way you can. Their site: http://www.alliance-natural-health.org/

On Codex Alimentarius, there is a similar situation. The text of the guidelines is vague and much depends on what countries do with it. Attention is therefore shifting to how each country implements these guidelines into national laws or decides to ignore them.

Check out these sites for information and developments:

American Holistic Health Association

Dr Rath Health Foundation

Gary Null's site

Natural Health Information Center

The National Health Federation

We become silent - Codex and globalization:

and don't forget to watch closely what is happening in your own country. (See the MayDay website). The results of our petition will stay on line for anyone to refer to them in national or local campaigns. You can see the signatures that were collected here.